Rabu, 30 November 2011

Demand for Bonds, Stocks of ANTM SITE Membeludak Streaked

JAKARTA, Pt. Aneka Mine (of ANTM SITE) this morning for sure in the green zone speeding. At 10.44, shares of ANTM SITE up 1.83 per cent to $ 1,670. Bloomberg Data show, three of the most active broker mengempit stock is valued at Rp: CIMB Securities 5,61 billion Securities valued at Rp, eTrading 2.05 billion, and the Premier Securities valued at Rp Indo 1.04 billion. Action buy stocks of companies that hit the mines nickel and gold is linked to the company's corporate action. Rumored plans to increase the value of ANTM SITE, sales to pay valued at $ 1.5 billion or 165 million US dollars. The addition of the value of these bonds is done because the investors demand bonds reached Rp 10 trillion.

The Government Officially Restrict the export of Rattan

JAKARTA, Official Government banned the export of rattan reasons, raw and semi-finished rattan. A number of packages of any policy issued in organizing it on Wednesday (30/11/2011).

By looking at a number of aspects in the sectors of industry, forestry, and commerce, the Government established the existence of five regulations related to the banning of exports of raw rattan. Policy package consists of three Rules, one Rule Secretary of Commerce Minister of industry, and one Rule Secretary of Forestry.

' We shut down exports of raw rattan with conviction will occur by the absorption industry in the country, '' said Minister of trade, Gita Wirjawan, in a release received Kompas.com.

With the cessation of these exports, Gita hope, the construction of food production centre forward is not only focused on Java but will be developed throughout Indonesia. ' And not less important, increased efforts for the control of technology from outside is needed to improve the quality of the product through design development, ' he added that he was what is seen in the regulation of the Minister of Trade of the export of Rattan which include a ban on the export of rattan, rattan, reasons of raw and semi-finished rattan; Regulation of the Minister of Trade of Transportation between islands Rattan; and regulation of the Minister of Commerce of Goods that can be stored in the warehouse receipt, the warehouse in organizing System.

While the expectation of the development of rattan industry Regulations will be supported by the Minister of industry regarding changes to the regulation of the Minister of industry Number 119/M-Ind/Per/10/2009 on the map Guide (Roadmap) Furniture Industry Cluster Development (particularly rattan furniture).

In addition, this also stops the export of rattan as an attempt to stop the exploitation of the taking of rattan so threatening preserved. For this, the policy package also comes with a Regulation of the Ministry of Forestry Production Plan Assignment Rattan Lestari Nationwide by 2012 Period Of Utilization And the casting of non-Wood forest products Rattan which Burdened IUPHHBK or IPHHBK.

According to data from the Ministry of Forestry Research results of the International Tropical Timber Organisation (ITTO), the rattan can be produced sustainably is equal to some 530,000 tons of raw rattan. That amount was converted into the shape of rattan that number to 210,000 tonnes.

Then, the rattan reasons of 126.000 tons. And, of the reasons being the rattan from rotan wood semi-finished of 63,000 tons. Of these, semi-finished rattan average exported $ 33,000 tons and the rest of the 30,000 tons of used to supply the needs of industrial goods and rattan furniture rattan in the country.

With the export of raw materials, industrial utilization in the country only by 30 percent. So the market for rattan industry supplied by competitors who get raw rattan from Indonesia.

You're lost in love

You're lost in love, try you for tanyaku this...

If you grab it and barbed sting, why are you still menggenggamnya?

If you believe that there are jodohmu in the hands of God, why have you not freeing your hands to extract parts of your soul it from the hand of God?

Intelligence is currently you are using, to let your hand was injured by a real thorn can you dispose of it?

Tegaslah. " Heart was busy begging love fake, cannot receive a true and faithful love. "

Mario Teguh-Loving you all as always

Mario teguh

Try not to make a judgment against a person, without consideration of compassion.

Without compassion, your rating will be pitched resentment, and your decision will be limping with a glaring injustice. It is difficult to apply firmly in compassion, but ... '

Assertiveness is kesampai-hatian for the greater good. '

Mario Teguh-Loving you all as always

Norway decided to close the Embassy in Tehran

Norway decided to close the Embassy in Tehran pascaserangan of the United Kingdom Embassy in Iran by the demonstrators on Tuesday (29/11/2011).

' The diplomatic staff of Norway was still in Tehran and there has been no decision to evacuate them, ' said a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway, Hilde Steinfeld, Friday (30/11/2011). '

Our Embassy closed yesterday (Tuesday) after the attack on the United Kingdom Embassy, '' he added.

' we will continue to evaluate the situation, ' she replied when asked how long the closure was done.

When asked about the possibility of evacuation, Steinfeld said, it's the Middle step is evaluated, but up to now it has not yet taken action.

Previously, Friday (30/11/2011), the United Kingdom had to evacuate a number of his staff said the Embassy in Tehran for the sake of their safety after two United Kingdom interests, i.e. complex Embassy and the British Council, invaded and destroyed the demonstrators are angry after the United Kingdom imposes sanctions related to Iran's nuclear program.

Anne Hathaway and Adam Shulman's official Fiancé

Monday (3/11), as spokesman for Anne Hathaway said if film actress One Day it has been officially engaged to her lover, Adam Shulman. Unfortunately, the Hathaway and Adam has yet to give a statement about the happy news.

Although the details of the engagement were not disclosed, the spokesman said.Known as film actress, however, The Dark Knight Rises that streets with Adam in the garden of Brooklyn on Sunday (27-11), Anne seemed to wear the engagement ring. Even according to E! News, engagement ring was designed by Adam teamed up with Kwiat company Heritage.

' He's the best. I really fell in love with her, ' said the 29-year-old actress. ' Adam had damaged rencanaku. I actually meant to single and then even fall in love like a fool.

' The proximity of Hathaway with Adam known since November 2008. In August, Hathaway reveal feelings about the story of her flirtatious with film actor of The Dukes of Hazzard: The Beginning (2007) as well as a jewelry designer.

Formerly, Hathaway had a chance to establish you as an entrepreneur, Raffaelo Follieri, Italy over the past 4 years.

But Hathaway opted for an end to the story because of her flirtatious Raffaelo commit fraud Fund tens of millions of dollars and arrested.

Tobey Maguire Used ' Peaceful ' Money Usd 700 Mln

Until now, Tobey Maguire still entangled in the case of a poker illegal gambling on him since last June. Even so that regardless of the case it is willing to pay money Tobey ' peaceful ' $ 80,000 (over USD $ 700 million).

Such as Spider-Man actor franchise was proposing in agreement with the Court on November 18. Not an easy thing, because it still had to await the endorsement of the Tobey the agreement by the judge in the trial which will be held December 21.

Not only that, even his plans, Tobey also is scheduled to be present at the trial in United States Bankruptcy Court, Los Angeles, January 30, 2012. In fact it is possible that Tobey doesn't need to be present during the trial, if the application of that agreement was approved by a judge of the Court.

Apesnya, 36 year old actor was sued because he managed to win a USD 300,000 (over $ 2 billion) from businessman Brad Ruderman. Brad is known, had previously been suspected of embezzlement, and money that comes from victory Tobey customer funds were stolen by Brad.

Our purpose in life is not to be happy

Our purpose in life is to be a CAUSE for happiness, for oneself and for others as possible.

And that is very important, my companions whose hearts ranum for glorification, let us live to appease as many others, so we kept away from the tendency to berlemah themselves in grief.

Please note, the person who lives only for himself, it is easier to feel sad and useless.

Then, let us engage in flurry of humanity to bring out our brothers up dying locked up in weakness, freeing those sandwiched in suffering, and enforce those terbongkokkan by poverty.

Keep the good soul of the beloved Lord. Stay super,

Mario Teguh - Loving you all as always